Nicholas Peters

Aug 30 at 12:04 PM

Thanks for sharing, Daniel! I am currently in a similar boat, trying to make a few niche reels for different pursuits. A lot of the feedback I’ve been getting is to put in your reel the type of work you want to be hired for. It sounds like that is more narrative features? If so, I would try to emphasize those shots a little more. It’s been hard for me to commit to this advice, as I find myself throwing out shots I know are “better” and replacing them with something else, but after stepping back I can really see how it has made my current unscripted/doc reel so much stronger and cohesive overall … in turn much more digestible for a viewer who may not be looking for/noticing the same details you are.



Aug 18 at 11:40 AM

I've been contacted to DP a series of green screen interviews in a conference room at a hotel.  The problem is, I got sent the pitch deck and it was showing a 5 person roundtable format for some of the segments.  This seems like a green screen nightmare, which should be done on a cyc stage, but am I overthinking it?  The shoot is pulling subjects from a conference at the hotel, so I doubt they will relocate it to a studio.  Should I try to talk them down to change the creative?  Should I lower my quality standards to shoot a sub-par green screen? Also, any tips or G&E contacts in Las Vegas please send over! Thanks,


Jul 23 at 01:07 PM

Thank you so much for being such a great moderator!