Shane Hurlbut

Thousand Oaks, CA, United States

Hi Lawerence,

You are so welcome

Jul 25 at 10:56 AM

Hi Hope,

Film Tools, MBS Expendables, Cinelease Expendables

Jul 18 at 05:53 AM

You are very welcome

Jul 13 at 05:25 PM

Hi Patrick,

Great questions.  I love the system because I am a freak about light quality that is very much because of distance light is away from the subject.  The more you can get the light further away for hard light shadows the more it looks real.  The way it works is you have 4 different versions of light quality.  Hard, semi soft, soft and very diffused light.  CRLS 1-4  They come in 3 different sizes.  One that is the size of a reflector board, then one that is 2 x 2 and then the other is 1 x 1.  Limitations are wind, it is hard to anchor them with wind.  I feel there should not be a transition.  These are all brushes that you deploy when the location, emotion and script tells you.  I use them about 5 times a movie.  Not every day


Jul 06 at 10:27 AM

HI Mickey,

Working with LED volumes are fun but limiting.  Moving the camera I feel is the biggest short fall of this world that we have created for ourselves since COVID.  So working with the horizon line and not trying to boom up to high will be your major limitation.  A huge benefit to the volume is using negative fill.  You can slide black images to control your light which is super powerful.  Check this out: PASSWORD: Volume Vibrations in camera I have done with a Milwaukee screw gun.  Here is a video where you cut a uneven circle out of 3/4 inch plywood and then mount it to a handle on your camera, so you are hard rigging the screw gun to your camera and then using this to operate and shake:

In the Burano demo you can download my LUT for the Venice 2 which I think you will enjoy.  Here:  It is in the resource tab



Originally broadcast on February 14th, 2024. In the official...

Jul 06 at 10:10 AM


A water truck is truly the only and efficient way to wet down a street location.  You can rent them from equipment supply places that rent fork lifts and condors because construction uses them to wet down roads,etc to keep dust down.  We use really crazy ones that are designed specifically for that, they have all the bells and whistle to do just a sidewalk or just the street.   


Jul 06 at 09:27 AM

Hi Kartikeya,

Great question. Ok, much of what you are looking to convey can be done with wardrobe, make up and hair. Then along with the script that I imagine is pushing this character in that direction of emotion I think could will be enough. But, if you want to add to this maybe a color tone in the art direction could assist. Color blocking is something I am doing a ton now. So I detail characters with color tones in their room, office, etc. Mùsica my film that released on Prime video is a perfect example of color blocking. So maybe not using a flat light but a color tone.

Hi Sami,

Yes, that is correct.

Jun 30 at 03:05 PM

Bruce Eisenberg

Yes that is correct. Whole space filled. Sometimes I would give SPFX a pre call so they could start filling that space if I knew we were already to go about 30 minutes after call


Jun 30 at 02:21 PM

Peter Dimako

We are all good. Kyra got engaged to our CEO of FA Brendan Sweeney. Next in person possibly November after i wrap the feature in late October