CG Supervisor and Lighters Career Path
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VFX Supervisor and Lighter Career Path Intro
Welcome to our VFX SUP and Lighter career path, where we unlock the secrets of lighting for visual effects.
Bounce Light: Bead Board
In this lesson, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC explains bead board and demonstrates when to use it with the bounce light.
Bounce Light: Soft Silver Rosco Scrim
Shane Hurlbut, ASC breaks down all the different materials to create the colors as well as shows their varying qualities of light.
Bounce Light: Gold Rosco Flex SS
In this lesson, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC explains Gold Rosco Flex SS and demonstrates when to use it as a bounce source.
Bounce Light: Matching Practical Light With Colored Bounce Sources
Rosco Diffusion Series: Hanover Frost Brushed Silk and Light Opal
Shane Hurlbut, ASC tests Hanover Frost Brushed Silk and Light Opal to demonstrate how they perform as diffusion.
Rosco Diffusion Series: Tough Frost Diffusions
In this edition of the Rosco Diffusion Series, Shane Hurlbut, ASC tests Tough Frost Diffusions to demonstrate how they perform.
Rosco Diffusion Series: Frost Diffusions
In this edition of the Rosco Diffusion Series, Shane Hurlbut, ASC tests Frost Diffusions to demonstrate how they perform.
Rosco Diffusion Series: Tough White Diffusion
Shane Hurlbut, ASC tests Tough White Diffusion to demonstrate how they perform as a diffusion.
Rosco Diffusion Series: Grid Cloths
Learn about Rosco Diffusion Grid Cloths and what they do to light.
Rosco Diffusion Series: Color Grid Cloths
In this edition of the Rosco Diffusion Series, Shane Hurlbut, ASC tests color grid cloths to demonstrate how they perform as a diffusion.
How to Build a Book Light
In this lesson, director of photography Shane Hurlbut, ASC takes you through the process of how to build a book light.
Shaping & Controlling Light
Learn essential filmmaking terminology before revealing the nuances of shaping hard, soft light and how to direct your grip team.
Shaping Light & Shadow: How to Control Large Light Sources
Learn c-stands from the perspective of both a key grip and cinematographer, and explore light control devices (LCDs) to help shape light.
Shaping Light & Shadow: Nailing The Close Up
Shane Hurlbut ASC and key grip Dave Knudson guide you through the process of professionally lighting a close-up shot.
Key Light: The Basics
In this lesson, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC guides you through the basics of understanding the key light.
Key Light: Where, When and Why: Illumination Experience
Shane shows you how moving the key light around the subject even just a few degrees can dramatically change the feeling of your shot.
Fill Light: The Basics
Shane Hurlbut, ASC shows how fill light or taking away a fill light can change the mood, tone and take the character’s emotions higher.
Fill Light: Where, When and Why: Illumination Experience
DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC takes you through his method for determining where and when to use fill light.
Backlight: Where, When and Why: Illumination Experience
Shane Hurlbut explains where and when to use backlight, and understanding your story's tone and message to increase dimension and mood.
How to Recreate Moonlight with Hard Shadows
In this lesson, Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to recreate moonlight and use hard shadows in a night scene.
Moonlight Exposure and Light Principles: Less Is More
In this lesson, Shane Hurlbut, ASC brings in the actors and blocks the night scene as they continue to make tweaks to the lighting.
A Single Shot with 20 Finesse Moves
In this lesson, Shane Hurlbut, ASC shoots the scene capturing multiple movements, making additional tweaks to the lighting.
How to Light Night Exteriors with Blue Tones: Part 1 - Location Scout
In How To Light Night Exteriors with Blue Tones: Part 1, director of photography Shane Hurlbut, ASC takes you through the location scout.
How to Light Night Exteriors with Blue Tones: The Build
In the next part of How To Light Night Exteriors with Blue Tones, Director of Photography Shane Hurlbut, ASC takes you through the build.
How to Light Night Exteriors with Gray Tones: Part 3
DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to light night exteriors with gray tones. So far, they set up the simulated moonlight and fill light.
How to Light Night Exteriors with Gray Tones: Part 1
In the first part of a three part series, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to light night exteriors with gray tones.
How to Light Night Exteriors with Gray Tones: Part 2
In the second part of a three-part series, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to light night exteriors with gray tones.
How to Light Night Exteriors with Two Lights: We Are Marshall
DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC dissects a few scenes from the film We Are Marshall to show you how to light night exteriors with just two lights.
Day Exteriors: The Basics
In this lesson, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC discusses the fundamentals of lighting day exteriors for the best results.
How to Create Day Exterior Lighting on a Stage: Into the Badlands
In this episode of Into the Badlands, Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to create day exterior lighting on a stage.
Commercial Cinematography: How to Shoot a Commercial in 8 Hours | Part 1
In this lesson, Shane Hurlbut, ASC breaks down how he shot an entire commercial in 8 hours, using a case study from a US Cellular spot.
How To Location Scout Using the Path of The Sun
In this lesson, director of photography Shane Hurlbut, ASC takes you through scouting locations outdoors and using the path of the sun.
How to Light Walk and Talks
In this lesson, Director of Photography Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to light Walk and Talks outside in the sunlight.
How To Shape Natural Light with Negative Fill
Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how he shot the actors talking as they place the saddle down on the saw horse.
How To Shape High Sun with Artificial Light On Close-Ups
In this lesson, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to make a beautiful close-up using the power of the Arri M40 light.
Matching Artificial Light with Natural Sunlight: Into The Badlands
In this episode of Into the Badlands, Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates matching artificial light with natural sunlight.
How to Diffuse Sunlight: Into The Badlands
In this episode of Into the Badlands, Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to diffuse sunlight.
How To Shape Light in a Forest: Into the Badlands
In this episode of Into the Badlands, Shane Hurlbut, ASC shows how to shape light in a forest.
How to Light Day Interiors: Location Scouting
In How To Light Day Interiors, director of photography Shane Hurlbut, ASC guides you through the location scout for day interiors.
How to Light Day Interiors: Part 1
Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to add haze, finesse floodlights to create beautiful key light, and make adjustments to the color temp.
How to Light Day Interiors: Part 2
In this lesson, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC reveals how he used DIY lights in commercial production to light both minimalistic and affordably.
How to Light Day Interiors: Part 3
Learn how to get the right color temperature with gels to get beautiful color separation, and learn about lighting ratios and IRE values.
How to Light Day Interiors: Part 4
Shane Hurlbut, ASC and his team dial in the lighting setup and make their final changes, removing unwanted light, finalizing the frame, etc.
Consistent Lighting in Day Interiors: Fathers and Daughters
We demonstrate how to keep the lighting consistent throughout the day interior, using a scene from Fathers and Daughters as a case study.
How To Replicate Early Morning Interior Light: Into The Badlands
In this episode of Into the Badlands, Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to replicate early morning interior light.
How to Replicate Late Afternoon Light On Stage: Into the Badlands
In this episode of Into the Badlands, Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to replicate late afternoon light on stage.
How To Replicate Midday Interior Light: Into The Badlands
In this episode of Into the Badlands, Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to replicate midday interior light.
How to Control Natural Light: Fathers and Daughters
DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC pulls back the veil into harnessing the power of natural light to enhance your cinematography.
On Set: How to Block and Light Small Locations: Part 1
In this edition of the On Set Series, we’re going to explore blocking and lighting in small locations.
On Set: How to Block and Light Small Locations: Part 2
In the second edition of our On Set Series, we examine how to work with small locations when it comes down to lighting and blocking
How to Light Large Day Interiors: Fathers and Daughters
In this edition of our On Set Series, Shane Hurlbut, ASC takes apart scenes from a feature film to show how to light large day interiors.
How to Light Large Spaces: Into The Badlands
In this episode of Into the Badlands, Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to light large spaces.
On Set: Night Club Environments
In this episode of Into the Badlands, Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to light night club environments.
How To Illuminate Rain at Night: Into the Badlands
Shane Hurlbut, ASC discusses what it took for him to pull off illuminated rain in “Into the Badland,” and what makes rain a powerful tool.
Green Screen Series: Kino Flo Super Green Tubes
Shane Hurlbut, ASC and his gaffer, Eric Forand, guide you through the basic principles of lighting a green screen.
Green Screen Series: Lighting with Just Two Lights
In this lesson, Shane Hurlbut, ASC and his gaffer, Eric Forand, guide you through lighting a green screen with just two lights.
Green Screen Series: Lighting Your Subject
In this lesson, Shane Hurlbut, ASC and his gaffer, Eric Forand, guide you through lighting the talent on a green screen.
Green Screen Series: Lighting a Moving Subject
In this lesson, Shane Hurlbut, ASC and his gaffer, Eric Forand, guide you through lighting a moving subject on a green screen.
How to Integrate VFX Plates with Live Action: Into The Badlands
In this episode of Into the Badlands, Shane Hurlbut, ASC shows how to integrate VFX plates with live action.
How to Integrate VFX with Live Action: Terminator Salvation
DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC takes you through some of the movies he has lensed and the reason why he made certain artistic decisions.
How to Create a FIRE EFFECT Light: DIY
In this DIY lesson, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC guides you through the process of building a fire effect light.
How to Create a Fire Effect Light: Professional
In this lesson, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to create a fire effect light with the help of a Molette light.
How to Use the Fire Effects Light with Real Fire
DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC showcases how to use the trashcan light to illuminate your scene.
On Set: Firelight and Lamplight Effects
In this episode of On Set Series: Into the Badlands, Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to create firelight and lamplight effects.
FA Podcast EP 17: Using Lights to Replicate Fire and Lighting for Product Shots
DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC discusses using lights to replicate fire and lighting for product shots.
How to Replicate TV Light: Dedo Lights
Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how he created a TV light effect on We Are Marshall using dedo lights in a Chimera softbox.
How To Replicate TV Light: Kino Flo Lights
In this lesson, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to replicate TV light with Kino Flo lights.
How to Build a Headlight Gag
DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to build a headlight gag, using the feature film, We Are Marshall as a case study.
How To Use A Headlight Gag
DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to use a headlight gag, using the feature film, We Are Marshall as a case study.
A Dynamic Headlight Gag
DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to create a dynamic headlight gag while lighting a car in moonlight conditions.
Six Lights to Recreate Urban Streets at Night: Part 1
DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC places lights around the car to recreate the city scene for the car chase.
How to Engineer Realistic Light Effects: Part 2
In this part, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC continues with the lighting process and creating the bokeh wall.
Poor Man's Process: DIY Lighting Effects and Gags
In this lesson, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates DIY lighting effects and gags when lighting a car in a moonlight condition.
Poor Man's Process: A Dynamic Approach to Motion
In this lesson, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to create motion effects through lighting.
How To Mimic a Police Car Light: Deadfall
In this lesson, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to mimic a police car light, using a scene from the movie Deadfall as a case study.
How To Use Smoke To Assist Your Story
In this lesson, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to use smoke to assist your storytelling.
How To Use Glass Filtration To Assist Your Story
In this lesson, DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to use glass filtration to assist in your visual storytelling and showcases his favor
How to Light Night with Existing Street Lights: Fathers and Daughters
Shane Hurlbut, ASC explores how to light the night with street lights using the film Fathers and Daughters as a case study.
FA Podcast EP 4: Lighting in Layers and Understanding Light Quality
DP Cinematographer Shane Hurlbut, ASC discusses lighting in layers and understanding the quality of light.
FA Podcast EP 11: Creating Depth, Mood & Emotion with Lighting
Cinematographer Shane Hurlbut, ASC discusses how to create depth, mood, and emotion with lighting techniques.
How to Choose the Right Focal Lengths
Cinematographer Shane Hurlbut, ASC breaks down focal lengths and explains how to consider them to enhance your storytelling.
How Focal Lengths Make Your Audience Feel
Shane Hurlbut outlines his favorite lenses, showcases the Canon L series performance, and reviews examples of lens language.
On Set: How Focal Lengths Assist Character Development
Shane Hurlbut, ASC explores cameras and lenses, lighting techniques with day exteriors, and how to create a firelight effect.
Cinema Style Lenses: How They Make an Audience Feel
Cinematographer Shane Hurlbut, ASC explores cinema lenses and identifies their features.
Lens Internal Characteristics
Shane Hurlbut explains how to find inspiration when choosing lenses and how to challenge yourself when selecting the right lens.
Focal Length Choices
Shane Hurlbut explores lenses and composition and highlights lens height and how to consider focal length and depth of field.
Camera Lens Restraint
Shane Hurlbut presents camera sleight of hand using lenses, choosing the right composition and lens restraint to articulate your story.
The Why Behind Color Theory: The Basics
DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC explains the fundamentals behind color theory; more specifically, why you do particular things.
How Color Temperature Sets The Mood: Deadfall
In this lesson, Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how color temperature sets the mood, using a scene from the movie Deadfall as a case study.
Using Color Theory and Lighting To Recreate Dusk: Deadfall
DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how color theory and lighting can help recreate a dining room scene at dusk.
How To Use Color Contrast with New Digital Cameras
In this lesson, Director of Photography Shane Hurlbut, ASC instructs on how to use color correction gels to create color contrast on digital
How to Communicate Your Vision to the Director with Color: Into The Badlands
In this episode of Into the Badlands, Shane Hurlbut, ASC reveals how to communicate your vision to the director with color.
How to Create Color Contrast: Into The Badlands
In this episode of Into the Badlands, Shane Hurlbut, ASC reveals how to create color contrast.
How to Create Emotional Impact with Color Temperature: Fathers and Daughters
In this edition of our On Set Series, we reference the film Fathers and Daughters, showing how to create emotional impact with color temp.
How to Light with Mixed Color Sources: The Ticket
In this lesson, Shane Hurlbut, ASC explores how to light with mixed color sources while using the short film The Ticket as a case study.
Mixed Source Lighting: How To Light In Layers
DP Shane Hurlbut, ASC demonstrates how to light in layers by using color contrast to increase depth and dimension.
Career Path Conclusion and Certificate of Completion
Shane Hurlbut, ASC congratulates you on completing the Beginner Colorist Career Path and explains how to get your Certificate of Completion.
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